Why we invested in Roam by MetaBlox, a global decentralized WiFi roaming network 

The majority of mobile traffic relies on WiFi, yet out-of-home WiFi remains fragmented, inconsistent, and insecure. Monetizing individual locations is challenging, and maintaining large centralized networks is expensive. Repeated logins and reconnections disrupt productivity, sharing WiFi passwords poses security risks, and redundant registrations expose users to privacy concerns.

Roam by MetaBlox solves these problems by utilizing the blockchain to create a unified network that eliminates repeated logins, uses secure credentials to avoid password sharing, and leverages existing credentials to bypass unnecessary registrations. Additionally, users can earn mining rewards (mPoints) by deploying Roam Miners or validating the network, which can be staked for Roam tokens. MetaBlox leads the application of decentralized identity (DID), collaborating with standardization bodies like Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) OpenRoaming and W3C DID. Over 2 million standard OpenRoaming hotspots by the WBA are accessible to Roam users via DIDs, ensuring seamless, secure connections. Notably, Metablox is the only blockchain incentivized WBA OpenRoaming partner. Roam’s intuitive interface facilitates DID and wallet generation, allowing users to easily add WiFi spots to the network for rewards.

Our investment in Roam by MetaBlox supports the creation of a global WiFi network leveraging blockchain technology to simplify connectivity. This investment validates the potential of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) and will aid the Metablox team in expanding their solution. To date, MetaBlox has rapidly expanded to approximately 260,000 hotspots, averaging around 2,000 new hotspots daily. Since late 2021, Yan Zhang, Co-Founder and Technology Lead, has driven MetaBlox’s technological advancements. Jeffrey Manner, Co-Founder and Business Lead, brings valuable web3 experience and his background in economics and commerce.

We believe blockchain can create more efficient and accessible global connectivity, and we are proud to support MetaBlox in pursuing this vision.

Carlos Castellanos is an investor at Samsung Next. Samsung Next’s investment strategy is limited to its own views and does not reflect the vision or strategy of any other Samsung business unit, including, but not limited to, Samsung Electronics.


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