Why we invested in Rezilion

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Today our portfolio company Rezilion launched its autonomous cloud workload protection platform for securing cloud production environments, while also announcing $8 million in seed funding from Jerusalem Venture Partners, Kindred Capital, LocalGlobe, and of course, Samsung NEXT.

Over the last several years, we’ve seen companies move to the cloud and adopt automated DevOps solutions as a way to manage their increasingly complex infrastructure. However, security teams are struggling to keep up with this evolving environment, as most cloud protection solutions today require manual policy configuration and alert response. That’s led to massive vulnerabilities across the industry, with research earlier this year finding 34M vulnerabilities across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and other leading providers over an 18 month period.

Even as organizations seek to protect themselves against attacks, today’s security tools relying on human-written rules or AI to determine good or bad behavior can’t keep up with the rate of change introduced by DevOps. That results in increased false positives rates, creating more work for already taxed security teams.

Rezilion seeks to solve these problems with an autonomous system that requires no human configuration and automatically returns any compromised service to its known-good state. The platform doesn’t rely on past behavior or human vetting to separate intended functionality from malice and misconfiguration. Instead, the system helps organizations reduce their attack surface down to the code developers already trust and enables all services, even those containing vulnerabilities, to continue running without interruption.

Finally, Rezilion identifies unused vulnerable code in production, allowing DevOps teams to easily vet or remove it in order to improve operational hygiene.

While we were intrigued by the technology Rezilion has built and its market opportunity, we also believe it has the right team in place to capture the market. Rezilion was founded by cybersecurity entrepreneurs Liran Tancman and Shlomi Boutnaru, whom I’ve known for over 6 years back when they had founded CyActive which was acquired by PayPal in 2015.

Both Cyactive’s autonomous approach to viruses as well as the experience the team gained by managing Cyber for Paypal serve as building blocks in Liran and Shlomi’s ability to materialize Rezilion’s vision and bring it to market.

We are excited to back these entrepreneurs and to help create a more secure, automated development environment for enterprises.


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