Our portfolio reflects our team’s dedication to shaping the future. Sector: All / AI / Blockchain / Fintech /Healthtech / Infrastructure / Mediatech Fans can support and engage their favorite creators through rewards linked to their spending cards. AtomicVest provides an API platform that allows fintechs and banks to embed wealth management and investment services, such as stock trading and high-yield savings, directly into their products. An investing app and financial social community for teens (under 18). An all-digital bank built specifically for teenagers to teach them in making smart financial decisions. Curve consolidates multiple debit and credit cards into a single smart card and app, allowing users to manage and switch between accounts seamlessly while tracking spending and accessing unique cashback and financing options. DSRV is South Korea’s leading validator and infrastructure provider for more than 20+ top blockchain networks. Floatme helps millennials cover cash gaps and improve their finances with interest-free cash advances and personal financial management solutions. Works with merchants and consumers to revolutionize the painful refund experience to a growth channel for the merchants. Ecommerce fraud detection platform with deep partnerships across the payments chain Helps users manage and pay off credit card debt faster by transferring balances to a low-interest credit line, while also offering tools for credit score improvement, investment, and rewards for on-time payments. Enables people to subscribe to tech products monthly instead of buying them. A private digital asset manager based in Tokyo and Seoul, serving institutional investors and high net-worth individuals. Juvo is a developer of mobile identity scoring software designed to establish financial identities who are creditworthy. KnotAPI provides tools for developers to easily integrate card payment management features, such as switching saved payment methods or updating card details across multiple merchants, into their apps to enhance user engagement and retention. Lemon is the largest digital wallet crypto and fiat capabilities in Latin America. No-code banking as a service platform that enables fintech companies to launch, grow, and scale efficiently A full stack financial products and services platform for women, built keeping a woman's security and privacy needs in mind Helps users optimize investment strategies by connecting brokerage accounts and crypto wallets, while using advanced data analytics to empower investors with strategic insights. Method Financial provides embedded debt repayment and financial management tools through a developer-friendly API, enabling companies to help users manage and pay off liabilities like student loans, credit cards, and mortgages. Mobidoo provides live commerce solution for brands to run live commerce features on their own platform GenZ robo-advisor that automates access to financial aid, building credit, and a high-yield savings account powered by DeFi Point.me is an award flight search engine that helps users maximize the value of their points and miles by comparing reward flights across 150+ airlines and offering expert advice on the best redemption options. Pomelo offers financial infrastructure-as-a-service for companies to launch and scale financial products in Latin America. Prism Data provides a platform for cash flow underwriting and analytics, offering solutions like CashScore to assess credit risk using real-time financial transaction data, with applications across industries such as banking, insurance, and real estate. Prometeo is a single open banking API for Latin America. Skipify offers an identity-powered payment solution that streamlines the checkout process by enabling secure, real-time payments and seamless card provisioning, boosting conversion and efficiency for merchants and consumers. Travel Wallet is a developer of an application platform intended to provide digital travel wallet services. Wildfire Systems provides a platform that enables businesses to integrate cashback, rewards, and social commerce features into their services, boosting customer loyalty and creating new revenue opportunities through online shopping. Xyte offers a cloud-based platform that allows hardware manufacturers and IoT device companies to manage, monitor, and support their devices remotely, as well as implement subscription-based business models. ZenGo is the first keyless bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet.